Development is the process of growing and bringing in progress and change. It includes economic growth, social progress like literacy and healthcare and also other aspects of life. Development can be viewed from different angles including the way we are developing as human beings and how we are interacting with the environment around us.
Development is a process that can be facilitated by many different tools and methodologies. These can include identifying development goals and milestones, providing employees with simulations or practice assignments that mirror real-life scenarios and then evaluating employee performance based on these scenarios. It can also be accomplished through coaching, mentoring and training programs designed to improve an employee’s skills in specific areas.
The most common measure of a country’s level of development is its gross national income (GNI), which is the amount of money a country earns in a year from all sources of revenue, including taxes, goods and services, and investments. Developed countries tend to have high GNI per capita, while other signs of development include industrialization and the use of advanced technology.
A major issue in development is the way we are interacting with each other and our environment. One key to sustainable development is ensuring that equitability and balance are achieved in three primary interrelated areas: social, economic and environmental. Another key issue is eradicating poverty, which blocks or inhibits most of the other developmental goals – from health to personal freedom.