News is anything that is new and important. It can be read in newspapers, broadcast on television or radio, posted online or yelled across a classroom. News can be exciting, scary or tragic. It is usually a story about an event that affects people in some way, but it can also be about weather, traffic or sports events.
There are several different theories about what makes a news story “newsworthy.” One is called the Mirror Model, which holds that news stories should reflect reality. Another theory is the Organizational Model, which argues that news organizations are pressured by various interest groups to produce particular stories.
The most recent theory about news is called the Conceptual Definition of News (or “news-ness”). This conceptual definition focuses on how audiences perceive media examples as “newsworthy.” This approach to news analysis capitalizes on the fact that while people have trouble providing concrete definitions of news, they often know it when they see it.
When writing a news article it is important to start with a good lead, which is referred to as the “nut graph.” This first paragraph should grab readers’ attention by using a dramatic anecdote or surprising information and clearly states the main point of the article. It should include answers to the questions who, what, when, where and why. The lead should also explain why the subject is currently relevant and how it relates to the bigger picture. Then it should provide a brief background on the topic and finish with a conclusion sentence that is a restatement of the lead or gives a potential for future developments in this area.